Regression testing tool for Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services
Generate, execute and validate your data.
Kubikos Compare (KC) is a regression testing tool for Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services cubes which facilitates the implementation of changes during development and productive use by offering a variety of options to set up queries and comparing results.
The tool compares a Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services cube, on which changes were made, with a referenced or validated cube or previously saved query results and detects deviations in the structure or the measures of this cube.
Query Generation
- Specify the parts of the cubes to be compared by excluding:
- measures
- dimensions
- hierarchies or
- levels from hierarchies from the comparison - Specify if queries are being generated based on member names or member keys
- Specify the measure dimension in case the measures are displayed in a custom dimension
- Allow a percentage deviation for successful compares. This allows to cover changes in sources
- Option to add your own queries to generated Query Sets
Query Compare
- Specify if the execution should be stopped in case the number of queries with deviations exceeds a certain value
- Stop the query execution manually
- Resume stopped queries at any time
- Rerun failed queries
- Compare Analysis Services Cubes or saved query results from the same QuerySet in any combination
- Scheduled execution of query compares
- Specify if empty and zero values should be treated equally
Query Result
- Overview on successful, failed and not executed queries
- Failed queries are assigned to four categories to facilitate analysis:
- failed result – deviation is greater than allowed
- failed member – members are missing
- failed dimension – dimensions are missing
- failed connection – infrastructure problems - Print the results to a PDF file to distribute the results if recipients do not have access to the application and other documentation purposes
Supported Microsoft SQL Server versions
- SQL Server 2008
- SQL Server 2008 R2
- SQL Server 2012
- SQL Server 2016
- SQL Server 2017
- SQL Server 2019
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